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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

News - Homepage

2018/2019 School Year

21st May 2019
An early moonlit start to the ferry. First stop at Glasgow Science Centre for an...
16th May 2019
What an amazing weekend! Thank you to all who attended for your stories and wonderful...
16th May 2019
Question: Do plants need water to grow? We have made some cress seed heads - one...
16th May 2019
Today we completed some investigations related to our Splish Splash topic. ...
10th May 2019
The pupils, staff and parents of Drumsallen, Our Lady's and Killylea Primary Schools...
13th Mar 2019
Today P1/2 had a go at free verse. They were shown a SEM photograph 200 times magnified...
13th Mar 2019
Today during play pupils had made a long snake. Mrs L was impressed with the simple...
13th Mar 2019
P1 are progressing well in their numeracy and are now beginning to record addition...