Child Protection

In line with maximising the learning potential of each pupil, the school recognises responsibility to care for our pupils' physical, social and emotional well-being. We take every effort to provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment for learning. We seek to equip pupils with life-long skills and aptitudes for learning.
At Killylea Primary School we aim to establish and maintain a positive ethos, which is conducive to learning and in which the individual pupil is respected. We seek to support all pupils within a caring framework and lead them to a position of self-discipline and personal responsibility.
We endeavour to protect our pupils by helping them learn about appropriate behaviour, how to deal with unwanted behaviour of others and to acquire the confidence and skills to keep themselves safe.
Parents and pupils are made aware through our Pastoral Care and Child Protection Policies of the procedures in place if they have any concerns about the well-being of their child. Posters around school [see below] and on our website show those staff whom parents and pupils can speak to if they have a concern.
Pupils also have opportunities in Personal Development and Mutual Understanding [PDMU] lessons, circle time and assemblies to discuss issues of personal safety and behaviour.
In all cases, it is the policy of the school, to act in the best interests of the child.
Copies of all policies are available on request from the school office or on our school website.
Please scroll down for online support links.
Child Protection Team

Designated Teacher for Child Protection:Mrs P Lowry
Deputy Designated Teacher: Mrs L Kerr
Designated Governor for Child Protection: Mrs J Kennedy
Chair of Board of Governors: Rev B Atkins
Children Looked After Named Contact: Mrs P Lowry
and carers with the
support and
resources they need
to ensure the most
positive upbringing
for their children
and young people.
Keep your children staff online!

In school we teach children to "Be SMART on the Internet". Our computer system helps to protect our pupils from unsuitable websites and information.
At home, children may have a wider access to the internet through smart phones and gaming consoles. Access should be carefully filtered depending on the age of your child[ren].
Click on the links above for advice and information about how to keep your child safe on the internet at home.
Killylea Primary School, 150 Killylea Road Killylea Co. Armagh BT60 4LN Northern Ireland Phone: 02837 568621