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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 2nd June 2020

PRIMARY ONE: Thursday  4th June  2020


Complete phonic booklet

Reading too!

Mental Maths:

I can add 2 to any number within 10.

Use numberline for support.

On your whiteboard write the answer when a big person calls out different numbers for you to add 2 to.

Use your numberline to check.


I can add using a numberline.

Finish yesterday’s sheet.

·          [Big people – this is something we will spend considerable time on at the beginning of P2 to ensure your child is adding independently using the numbeline


Text: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

If you have the book at home that is great! If not then you can see an online version at

This week and last we have seen the story but today we are going to make our own version!

Instead of a very hungry caterpillar – what character could be in your story?

·         The Very Hungry Teacher?

·         The Very Hungry Unicorn?

·         The Very Hungry Spiderman?

·         The Very Hungry Frog?

I’m sure you will have lots of great ideas!

Next, think about what your character will eat on






P1:I can use a story structure for my own story

 Using the “The Very Hungry…” sheet -  fill in your title with your own character. Then draw what it eats in the five large boxes and put the days of the week as a label underneath.

P2: I can write 3-4 sentences independently

Today and tomorrow you will complete your alternative story for five days.

Find the “The Very Hungry…” worksheets [ you should have 2]

Fill in the title on the first sheet  with your character.

Draw what he eats on Monday and Tuesday and write a sentence below the box beginning

On Monday…

Try and use a describing word eg “delicious wriggly worm” or “ a tasty black spider”  to make your work exciting!

Draw your illustrations for the first two boxes.

PRIMARY TWO: Thursday 4th June 2020


Complete next activity in phonic book

Reading too!

Mental Maths:

I know my number bonds to 10

Ask a big person to call out a number to 10 and you must what number added to it will make 10.

How quick can you go?


I can find 4 different facts for 3 numbers

Find the  “Write four different facts” worksheet with 9,2,7 in the first house.

Complete as yesterday remembering you can only use the 3 given numbers.


See P1 Literacy.