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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 2nd June 2020

Hi P1 and P2!  Mrs Lowry back again…

Hello again!  This is our last week of worksheets…yeah! [Probably bigger YEAH from the big people!] So…let’s give it our all!


PRIMARY ONE: Wednesday  3rd June 2020


Complete phonic booklet


Mental Maths:

I can add 2 to any number within 10.

Get out your number line and practice adding two to any number within 10.

Look how you GO UP the number line because the answer will be BIGGER!


I can add using a number line.

Find the “Domino Addition” sheet with the two blank boxes .

We are going to use one half today and one half tomorrow.

You will need a dice.

Roll the dice twice and record the sum using numbers [rather than dots].

Remember last week how we used our numberline. Let’s practice again.

Look at the sum – say it eg 2 + 4

Put your two peter pointers on the first number [make sure your child reads the sum themselves and finds the correct number!]

Ask – “how many will you add on?” “How do you know” [check they are reading the sum]

Now jump you right finger up and down to get ready to jump because we are going to add and that means going UP the numberline.

Now take 1 jump because we are adding 1. [the left hand should remain on the first number to show where you started and the right hand does all the work!]

Where did you get to?

Now record your answer.

Repeat for 7 sums.


Handwriting practice

In your writing book write the sentence: I am [name] [surname].

Remember to show clear spaces, tall capitals and begin your letters at the top!

[Big people – please ensure your child is forming the letters in their name correctly].

Can you write both your name and surname by yourself? We will be using both names when we start P2 – so keep practising over the summer months! Repeat 5 times. Which was your best sentence?

PRIMARY TWO: Wednesday 3rd June 2020


Complete next activity in  phonic booklet


Mental Maths:

Quick recall of number bonds to 10.

 On your whiteboard write out your number bonds to 10.

Remember to work sysytematically!

10 + 0 =

9 + 1 =  etc


I can find 4 different facts for 3 numbers

Two weeks ago we looked at addition and subtraction facts for 8 and 9.

Lets look at a couple of examples you used:

6 + 2 = 8     and     8 – 6 = 2

What do you notice is  the  SAME about both the sums?

The both use the same three numbers [ 6, 2, 8]

When we are adding WHERE does the BIGGEST number go?

When we are subtracting WHERE does the BIGGEST number go?

You will need to remember this!


Now find the “Write four different facts” worksheet with 6,2,4 in the first house.

Your task today is to make two adding and two subtracting sums for the 3 numbers in the roof of each house.

Remember each sum must ONLY use the 3 numbers given.


Handwriting practice.

Take one of your reading books and copy carefully the story – you need only fill one page of your writing book.

But… show spacing, tall and short letters and MAKE SURE that each letter is formed correctly.

If you are not sure of one letter  - spend some time on your whiteboard practicing. Your P3 teachers will expect you to know how to write your letters correctly – Keep this up over the summer months!