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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 26th May 2020

PRIMARY ONE: Thursday 28th   May  2020


Complete phonic booklet [Wednesdays page]

Reading too!

Mental Maths:

I can add 1 to any number within 10.

  • Jumble up your digit cards. Pick one at random and quickly say what is “Add 1 “ to that number. If no answer within 2 seconds then big person wins the card. How many did you get to keep by the end?  Where you the same, better or WORSE than yesterday :0

·         Record your answer for tomorrow! 


I can say the number before and after up to 10.

Find the “Before and After Numbers” worksheet.

Get out your numberline and get a big person to quickly ask you some before and after numbers to check you understand.

Then complete worksheet – make sure your numbers are written correctly!


I can write my name and surname


For getting ready for P2 we usually learn to write our name and surname after Easter.

Please write your child’s name in their Literacy book and ask them to carefully copy it below 4-5 times.

When writing their name for them make sure to show tall capitals and tall and small letters. No loops on g/y etc. Aim for letters no bigger than 1 cm in height.

This is something your child should practice frequently so they can do it without support by P2.

PRIMARY TWO: Thursday 28th  May 2020


Complete next activity in phonic book [Wednesday’s activity][

Mental Maths:

I can count in 10s forwards and backwards from a given number within 50.

Write on your whiteboard all the numbers  counting in 10s for the following:

2 to 52

6  to 56

8 to 48


I can add 3 numbers

Find the  “Addition” sheet with 3 dominoes and sum written out 6+3+2=11

Complete sheet by filling in numbers in sum.

Then add the first 2 numbers and write the total above.

Then add 3rd number to the total and put answer in the box.


I can write 3-4 sentences independently.

Using all you know about VCOP High5 write 3-4 [or more] sentences about caterpillars in your writing book.

Think about what they look like, how they move, what they eat [and its not ice cream!] and where they live.

Make your sentences as interesting as possible by using describing words and different ways to open your sentences.