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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 19th May 2020

PRIMARY ONE: Thursday 21st  May  2020


Dictation sentence: The hen is in a big pen.

[Big person – check for correct letter formation starting at the top and not lifting pencil. Did you add spaces and full stop?]

Mental Maths:

I can add 1 to any number within 10.

·         Use numberline and put your finger on a number. eg 5

·         Say that number and make an addition sum eg 5 + 1 makes  6.

·         Repeat for different numbers.


I can add up to 10.

Find the “+ and =”  worksheet with the frogs and chicks at the top.

Today we want to move on to using a numberline to add.

Get your child to write out the sum in the first question eg 2 + 1

Now using the numberline and always getting your child to  READ the SUM….

Ask your child what is the first number in the sum?  [2]

·         Ask your child to put their both Peter pointer fingers UNDER 2 on the number line. [index fingers]

·         When we are adding will the answer be bigger or smaller?

·         What way will be go on the number line – up or down?

·         So we go up…ask your child to jump up and down their right finger on the number 2 so it is warming up.

·         Now read the sum again…2 add 1.

·         How many are we adding on? [1]

·         Now lets jump up ONE jump up the number line with your right peter pointer. [Keep the left hand on the number 2 to show where you started!]

Where did you end up? [3]

Now write the answer in the box.

REPEAT for other questions.


I can restructure a sentence


Write the following words at the top of your child’s page and help them to sound out and read. 

How many words are there?

Which word do you think will come first and why? [Look for the capital]

Now make into a complete sentence and draw an illustration. 


                door   The   man   the   .      out   gingerbread   ran   of

PRIMARY TWO: Thursday 21st  May 2020


Dictation sentence: Sam wants to draw all the green balls.

Mental Maths:

I can subtract 1,2 or 0 from any number within 50

Repeat Wed activity but you call out the numbers to use.


I can use coins to make 10p.

Find the  “How many ways can you find to make 10p?” sheet.

Each item costs 10p – you can fill in the labels remembering to add “p”.

If you have some coins to look at that could help.

Can you remember what coins we have up to 10p?

What numbers up to 10 can you not get in a coin? Eg 3p.

Now, for each item you must draw and label coins to buy them BUT they must be all different!


Text: The Gingerbread Man

Think about the ending of yesterday’s story.  What do you think about it? Was it a sad or happy ending?  What about for the fox?

I would like you to think about a different ending of your own. Will the gingerbread man escape?  How?  Does something rescue him? Or maybe the fox is a good fox? Or not?  

Write 3-4 sentences beginning with…

The gingerbread man climbed on to the fox’s head…….

Draw an illustration for your ending.

[I would love to see your versions!]