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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 24th March 2020

Hi Everyone!

How are you all getting on?  We have been busy in school sorting out rotas and timetables for those boys and girls who are in school but its not the same without you all! 

Im looking forward to seeing your NHS posters by Friday - ask a big person to photograph or scan your picture to my email address [] by 12 noon on Friday.

Today- Wednesday 25th

P1: Phonics: Please revise sounds - how many do you know quickly?

Parents write these sounds on top of whiteboard/page - m u d s a t

Ask child to sound out then write these words - sad/ tum/ sam/ sud/ mat/ mud

Writing:  Dictation sentences - ask your child to write:

I am a hen.

I am a cat.

I am a dog.     [Ask them to check their sentence - "Did you leave anything out?]

Reading: Library book or try Oxfordowls online [we will be sending home reading packs after Easter]

Mental Maths: [use a number line to help if necessary] One more or one less within 10.

What is one more than 3/8/5 etc

What is one less that 2/5/3 etc

If your child is confident use numbers 6-10, if less so focus on 1-6.  Discuss if it is one more which way they will go on the number line [eg "up"]



P2: Phonic booklet- NON TODAY - BOOKS WILL CONTINUE AFTER EASTER. Use First Key words booklet.

Reading: either a library book or try Oxfordowls online. We will be making up reading book packs for after Easter.

Writing: Can you write 3-4 sentences to tell me what you have been up to since you have stopped school. What have you been doing? What does your home school look like? Is your mummy teacher very cross?

REMEMBER.. use VCOP High 5 to check your work BEFORE you show it to mum or whoever is there and use a different colour pen to show them what you have changed.  Look very carefully for where one sentence ends and another starts - you will know what to do when you find them!

Mental Maths: Look at doubles to 6 and try and learn at least 3 of them.

1+ 1 = 2,  2 + 2 = 4, 3+ 3 = 6,  4 + 4 = 8,  5 + 5 =10, 6 + 6 = 12 .

Parent ask "What is double 3/2/5?"   or "What is 2 threes?"  or "How many is double 4?" etc