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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 12th May 2020

PRIMARY ONE: Thursday 14th May  2020


·         Dictation sentence: It is a big pig.

[Big person – check for correct letter formation starting at the top and not lifting pencil. Did you add spaces and full stop?]

Mental Maths:

·         I can count backwards from a given number within 20.

How did your backwards walking go? This time imagine you are a frog hopping but go BACKWARDS! Keep your balance as you count with each hop!


I can add to 10

·         Find the worksheet “Combine totals up to 5” with oranges at top.

·         Fill in the sum in the missing boxes [please let your child work out which numbers to put in and then add the total in final box]


I can restructure a sentence

Read these words:

had  a   Billy  .  big  seeds   of   bag


Can you make a sentence and write it in your book and draw a picture. [Big person - please write out the words as I cannot change the font online and do not want children writing "a" with a hook!]

PRIMARY TWO: Thursday 14th May 2020


Dictation sentence: The boy was full of joy when granda gave him a coin.

Adult - please read sentence with your child twice and ask them to repeat - then leave them to recall the sentence themselves.

Mental Maths:

I can subtract 1,2 or 0 from any number within 50

Repeat Wed activity but you call out the numbers to use.


I can link addition and subtraction facts to 7.

Thinking about number patterns - can you write out all the addition and subtraction sums for 7.

Begin with    0 + 7 =         7 – 0 =


Write 4-5 sentences about Billie’s sunflower in your Literacy book.

Remember to think about what happened at the start, middle and end of the book.

Use different openers eg One day, In the morning, Later

Then CHECK YOUR WORK with VCOP High 5. T

Think about where one sentence ends and another begins and show with a capital and full stop.      

Draw an illustration.