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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 12th May 2020

Hello P1 and P2!

Another week!  How are your seeds doing?  Can you measure how high they are? You could use lego blocks to count the height or get a big person to help you use a ruler.  It has been great that the sun has been out so much recently. I’ve been busy in my garden and actually picked some lettuce leaves this week!  Mr Lowry helped me to make a new mud kitchen for outdoor play. I will just need to bring it to school on a trailer as it is bigger than the one we have. 

Hope you and your family are keeping safe and staying home!

Shall we do our activities?  WHAT – did I hear someone groan?

Remember you are trying to keep up with your work for YOU. It will definitely help you when you get back to school to P2 and P3.  Mrs Kerr and I hope you are all working hard for your home Teachers!

PRIMARY ONE: Wednesday 13h May 2020


Complete phonic booklet


Mental Maths:

I can count backwards from a given number within 20.

Remember if you are counting back – you go DOWN the numberline!

·         Lets get some PE done today too!

·         Find a space [hallway or garden path is good]. Big person to choose a number and see if you can

          walk in a straight line BACKWARDS while counting backwards to zero!


I can add to 10

Find the “Partition totals up to 5” worksheet with the monkeys at top.

Use your numberline and make sure your are writing your numbers correctly and neatly!


I can sequence a story in the right order.

I can re-tell a story in my own words

·         Look at the online story “Billy’s Sunflower”

·         Have you ever grown a sunflower?

·         Why did Billies sunflower go brown ?

·         What did Billy do with the seeds?

·         If you look after your bean plant you will be able to make some new plants next year too –

           just  like Billy did with his seeds!

Now, your turn…


Find the worksheet “Maths & story club with 6 pictures of the story.

Cut them out carefully and make a mini book. Use your book to re-tell the story.

P2: Find the worksheet “Maths & Story Club” Sunflower Diary. Help Billy to put the sentences back in the right order.

Read each sentence then cut and paste them into your Literacy Book. Remember your title “Sunflower Diary”.

PRIMARY TWO: Wednesday 13th May 2020


Complete next activity in  phonic booklet


Mental Maths:

I can subtract 1,2 or 0 from any number within 50

·         Get out your whiteboards and write the answer.

·         Big person to call out numbers within 50 [or 20 if too difficult]

And ask to subtract 1/2/or 0  eg 34 subtract 2.


I can link addition and  subtraction facts to 6.

Complete these sums in your numeracy book – fill in the missing numbers at the end. Look for the number patterns to help!

0 + 6 =         6 – 0 =

1 + 5 =         6 – 1 =

2 + 4=          6 – 2 =

3 + 3 =         6 – 3 =

4 + __ =       6 – __ =

5 + __=        6 – __ =

6 + __ =      6 - __ =



See P1 notes.