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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Tue 5th May 2020

PRIMARY ONE: Thursday 7th May  2020


·         Can you write these words on your whiteboard under the table without looking?

·         hip/pip/lip/tip/nip


Mental Maths:

·         I can count forwards from a given number within 20.

How did you do yesterday with your throwing and counting?

Well, lets make it a bit harder!

Today I want you to balance on one leg, throw and count![Make sure the big person is on one leg too!]


I can add to 10

·         Find the worksheet “=means/make”  with lions

·         Fill in the sum in the missing boxes [please let your child work out which numbers to

          put in and then add the total in final box]

Topic work

·         Today is VE Day when 75 years people celebrated the end of World War 2. Lots of people

          had street parties and waved flags.

·         Below are some templates you can use to make a poster, bunting and a spitfire glider.

          Spitfires Were planes used in the war during Captain Tom Moore’s days.[SCROLL DOWN TO


·         If you cannot print out at  home then you can use the templates to give you some ideas and

          you can design your own poster or bunting.

·         Look out on the television for other information and celebrations around the world.

PRIMARY TWO: Thursday 7th May 2020


Dictation sentence: Can you be good and help your mummy?


Mental Maths:

I know my double to 10 + 10.

·         Get out 10 counters and ask an adult to ask you your doubles to 10. Win a counter for each

          correct answer.

·         How  many counters did you win?  If you got 7 or more –well done!

·         Remember to keep going over these as they are key facts you need to know for P3 [and with

          quick recall!]


I can link addition and subtraction

·         Yesterday you found out that 3 numbers can give you an adding and a subtraction sum.

·         Look at these numbers  2, 1, 3

·         Can you make them into an adding sum [clue: where will the biggest number go?]

·         Yes the biggest number is at the end   2 + 1 = 3    or  1 + 2 = 3

·         Now use the same numbers 2,1,3 and make a subtraction sum

·         [Think: where does the biggest number go when taking away?]

·         Remember it comes at the start so your sum will be   3 – 1 = 2 or   3 – 2 = 1

·         Now use the following 3 numbers and use them ALL to  make an addition sum and a subtraction


     2, 5, 3

     4, 3, 1

     6, 5, 1


See P1 notes

Spitfire glider.pdf Download
Union Jack bunting.pdf Download
VE colouring crowd waving.pdf Download