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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Mon 27th April 2020

PRIMARY ONE: Thursday 30th April  2020


·         Can you write these words on your whiteboard under the table without looking?

·         Hop/  mop/  top/  pop

Mental Maths:

I can say the number between.

·         Put out digit cards in a row and practice finding the number between 3 and 5. Find 3 and 5 on your 

          number line. “Between” means in the middle. Which number is in the middle of 3 and 5.

·         Practice for different numbers. Now you be the teacher  and ask an adult!


I can add to 10 using counting toys and counting circle.

[Get out yellow counting circle remembering to keep the star at the top. Find up to 10 counting items eg buttons, counters  etc]

Big person – on whiteboard write the following sums.

2 + 4 =

3 + 2 =

5 + 2 =

4 + 3 =

1 + 4 =

[Remember to set out the sum on yor counting circle and then find out how many altogether]


Jack and the Beanstalk -  I can describe characters.

·         I hope you had fun retelling the story last week.

·         Zachary sent me a fantastic photo of a castle he made for his puppets! [Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you can see it!]

·         Can you tell who the main characters in the story were? [mum, Jack, cow, stranger, giant, giant’s


·         Today I want you to think about the giant’s character.

·         An adult can help you write down some good describing words in your writing book under the title 

          The Giant. [P2 – have a go at writing the words yourself]

·         What did he look like? Think about his size, the colour of his hair, his face.

·         Was he cross or happy – what good words can you think  about to describe him.

·         What was he wearing?

·         Now draw your own picture of the giant in your book. We will use the words tomorrow.

PRIMARY TWO: Thursday 30th April 2020


Dictation sentence:           Today the boys came to play on the swings.

Mental Maths:

I know my number bonds to 10.

·         Use your whiteboard and quickly write out your number bonds to 10 using l”+” sign

·         Eg 1 + 9 = 10, 2 + ? = 10

·         Can you work systematically [do you remember what that means?]


I can subtract to 20 [using numberline]

Use Taking Away Sheet from learning pack [ 4 – 2 = ]

The first few could possibly be done in your head  by counting back. Then use your numberline. Remember which way on your numberline you go when subtracting.


See P1 Literacy –use your writing book.

zach castle.jpg Download