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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Mon 20th April 2020

THURSDAY 23rd April 2020


Mental Maths:  We are learning to say 1 more than or 1 less than any number up to 10.

  • Have another go at yesterday’s game – can you win more cards from the big person today?

Numeracy: Today we are learning to use 1p coins in shopping tasks. [Keep 2p coins for tomorrow]

  • Find the worksheet with the apple and windmill pictures.[keep for tomorrow too!]
  • You can cut them up into squares if you wish. Pick a picture and set out the correct amount of 1p coins to buy each item. Remember to touch count to check  each time!
  • Which item costs the most/ least/same?

Phonics: use whiteboards  and have  a go at spelling the following ‘ot’ words

got,  hot, lot, tot, not, cot, dot

Literacy: We are learning to re-tell a story. [This means I can tell a story in a sequence remembering key details]

Re-read your story book or re-watch the online version at:

  • While you watch think carefully about what happens in the beginning, the middle and the end.
  • Use your puppets from yesterday and put on a puppet show to re-tell the story. Can you use different voices for each character?
  • Maybe you could make a backdrop for one of your scenes on a page. Or maybe you could take a short video of your play.


  • Today we are going to plant our bean seeds. What things do plants need to grow? [water/sun/soil]
  • If you have a jam-jar or old straight sided glass – keep a couple of seeds for later.
  • Put the soil in your pot and push in 3-4 seeds around the edges and cover with soil. Water well and put on a sunny window sill.
  • If you have a jam-jar or glass- fold a couple of sheets of newspaper to just less than the height of the jar and make a tube to fit inside. Put the seeds in between the glass jar and the newpaper about half way down, so you can see them through the glass. Now carefully add water to your jar [about 3 cms in the bottom] You will see it soak up the paper. Keep your paper wet at all times!! Put on a sunny windowsill and make sure to water it regularly. So…do seeds need soil? We will have to wait and see!




PRIMARY TWO - Thursday 23rd April 2020

Mental Maths: We  are learning our number bonds to 10.

  • You can use your fingers if it helps.
  • Big person to call out numbers within 10 and you have to give them the number bond that makes 10
  • So if I say 4 – you say….6!

Numeracy: We can estimate and count accurately to 20.

  • Find 20-25 small items eg buttons, pasta, beads, counters.
  • Lift a handful [not them all] and write on your whiteboard how many you think estimate have.
  • Do you know what I mean by estimate? [yes, guess]
  • Now – count how many very carefully making sure you do not count the same ones twice. It is a good idea to move them from the pile as you count. Write how many beside your guess. Where you exact/close?
  • Have a few more goes and see if you are more accurate each time.

Phonics: dictation sentences in your writing book:[big people focus on this week’s words my/like/find]

  • Sam cannot find his red tractor. [Check for High 5!]
  • We don’t like missing school.
  • Can you come to my birthday party? [what sort of sentence is this/ what punctuation?]


Literacy: see P1

Topic work: See P1