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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Sun 19th April 2020

Good Morning everyone! I hope you had some fun in the sun over the Easter break. I’m sure you also enjoyed nibbling on your Easter eggs! There are no eggs left in the Kerr house.  

Mrs Lowry, Mrs Gillespie and I are missing you all so much. We will have so much to chat about when we meet up again.  Has the Tooth Fairy visited anyone lately? Has anyone learnt  how to tie their shoelaces, ride their bike without stabilisers or picked up a new hobby? Blossom the Tooth Fairy has visited our house twice in 3 weeks!!  You can send Mrs Lowry and I a little email to tell us how you are getting on.

This week we are starting our homework packs.

Reading book packs are now available in school to pick up. They are sitting in the porch area at the front door. Please keep the books at home in safe place and in the order they are packed as they are ordered in  level of difficulty.

  • P1 15 books in their pack (3 books per week for 5 weeks) MON/TUES/WED


  • P2 20 books in their pack (4 books per week for 5 weeks) MON/TUES/WED/THURS



 Monday 20th April 2020   


Primary  1



Over the next weeks we will be revising medial vowels in cvc words. Each week we will be focusing on a word family eg pot ‘ot’ family. In your homework pack is a booklet called Fun with spellings. Each week there is a page to complete on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. In the top right hand corner of each page there is a unit number as a reference. Along with your booklet we will also highlight linked online games/videos you might like to play/watch.


Word family ‘ot’

·         Online- open website

            Scroll down and click on the box   dot  (5 mins 10)

·         Fun with Spellings pg 6:1

Each day there is 1 key word to also learn to spell and write a sentence using it. Remember to use a capital letters and full stop.

Reading: 1st book in your reading book pack


Mental Maths: Calculate 1 more than/ 1 less than within 15

With your numberline to 20- Point to the number before 11,  the number 1 more than 7, the number 1 less than 14, the number after 8 etc.


Topic Maths: Positional Language

First page in maths topic booklet. Few ideas to encourage use and understanding of words such as: above, below, under, beneath, beside, next to etc.


Primary 2


Phonics: (Blue cover phonics booklet) Spelling words with the ‘igh’ sound

Sort the list of words under the 3 variations of the ’igh’ sound.

Write each spelling on a piece of paper 3 times. Look/cover/write.


Reading:1st book in your reading book pack

Mental Maths: Number bonds up to 10

Eg. 4 and what would make 8    7 and what equals 9

Can think of sums to make the total 6? E.g.  (3 + 3   4 +2)

Topic Maths: (See Topic maths booklet in homework pack)

Spatial Awareness- left and right   top and bottom

Look at the diagram the top of the worksheet showing how on your left hand the forefinger and thumb make L for left.

Below are few activities. Read the questions to your child and let them click on the answer.

Worksheet- Describe the grids as little shelves to your children eg. (a) the apple and banana are on the fop shelf.