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Killylea Primary School, Co. Armagh

Home Learning

Fri 24th April 2020

Thursday - nearly the weekend!!

If you have any questions don’t be afraid to contact me via email -

Word of the week

New Wave English

New Wave Maths

Phonic summer week 1

Mental maths summer week 1

Topic maths - Time revision. What is analogue time? Recap on o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times. Where does the big hand point to for half past? Quarter past? etc. Next make times on clock provided in pack for your child. Can they read the times? Switch and ask them to make the times on clock.  Play game provided in pack called 'telling the time' with dice. Any ideas of digital times?

Writing - Diary entry. Read or watch story of Three Little pigs, Jack and the beanstalk or Cinderella as a reminder of what happened. Discuss what is a diary. Do you know anyone who writes one? Look at the helpful hints of how to write a diary because we want you to pretend to be one of the characters and tell us what happened. You could be the big bad wolf, the giant in Jack and the beanstalk or Cinderella's fairy godmother. Look at the activity sheet provided in pack for more information. Discuss with your grown up what you could write. What happened first? Next? Lastly? Plan by writing ideas onto a page of what you hope to write in preparation for tomorrows activity.

HOORAY for Friday! Just a few more tasks to complete then you can relax!

Weekly round up - 6 spellings (including word of the week)/6 tables along with a dictation sentence.

Topic maths - Time revision. Recap on what is digital time? What does the first number mean? The hour. The second two numbers mean in digital? The minutes. Grown up to write digital times for child to make on analogue clock. Switch with grown up to make times on analogue clock and child has to write the digital times. Play online game Next complete double sided worksheet.

Writing - Diary entry. Look back on plan from yesterday. Now write diary onto worksheet. Have beside you your High 5 hand which will remind you of capital letters, wow words etc. Remember to include ideas given on helpful hints page. Once complete use the checklist provided at bottom of page. Share diary with a sibling or someone on the telephone. See if they guess which character/story you are pretending to be from.

Have a lovely weekend!